The gospel centers around the incredible truth that Jesus came to earth as Immanuel, our King among us. The “good news” of this story is that the life and work of our King not only atoned for the sins of God’s people, but it also gave us the hope of eternity with Him.
Christ walked the earth over 2,000 years ago, His ministry—as both fully man and fully God—provided a new reality for God’s people and all of creation. Sacrificing himself for humankind, Jesus offers a new way of living—a restoration of God’s original intent, God’s family ruling and reigning alongside Jesus for all of eternity.
Through Jesus, the world can genuinely grasp peace, hope, and love as it ought to be and as God desires. When you choose to accept Jesus into your heart, you are declaring loyalty and making a decision to live your life for Him in everything you do.
Because of Jesus’ sacrifice, we get the opportunity and access to everything God intends for His people. As imagers of Christ, we can step into this incredible way of life offered by King Jesus as expressions of the kingdom of God.
“If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”
– MATTHEW 16:24